Preparing for Heaven

Preparing for Heaven

Are you prepared for heaven? In traveling the road of life, Christians are faced with everyday issues that can trouble their minds. In this six-lesson, Gospel meeting program, Don Blackwell deals with challenging questions to help us prepare for heaven.

Preparing for Heaven
  • 1. Are You Going To Heaven? | Preparing for Heaven
    How did you feel when you first realized you were spiritually lost? Before you obeyed the Gospel, did recognizing your lost condition create a heavy weight on your heart and mind? Did it keep you up at night? Join Don Blackwell as he discusses obeying the Gospel and making ...

  • 2. Do Miracles Exist Today? | Preparing for Heaven
    What exactly is a miracle? The Bible describes many miracles in times past, but do miracles still exist today? In this lesson, Don Blackwell looks to the Bible for the answers to important questions.

  • 3. Overcoming Negativity | Preparing for Heaven
    While the Christian's life should be one of rejoicing, optimism, and happiness, in application our outlook may not always be such. How do we overcome the negativity that creeps into our lives? Join Don Blackwell as he provides biblical perspective and practical approaches t...

  • 4. Temper, Temper: Dealing with Anger | Preparing for Heaven
    As God's creation, we are emotional beings, and anger is one emotion we experience. While not wrong in and of itself, we must be careful when dealing with anger. Join Don Blackwell as he looks at the Bible's explanations and examples on the reasons for anger, the restrictio...

  • 5. Where Do We Go When We Die | Preparing for Heaven
    Where do we go when we die? What happens to us after we breathe our last breath? These are questions that everyone has pondered. The world offers many answers to these questions: from reincarnation, to becoming a ghost, to ceasing to exist. Bible believers, however, don't h...

  • 6. Why Are There So Many Churches? | Preparing for Heaven
    Contemporary religious scholars and historians estimate that there are approximately 38,000 denominations in the world today. Have you ever wondered if the true church still exists today? Does it really matter to which church I belong? If the true church does exist, how can...